© 2022, AAAAChange.org
Stylized as “4-A-Change”, the non-
profit utilizes the same change
process as its for profit sibling.
Our Paradigm
The Four “A”s
Awareness, Assessment, Action, and Accountability is a proven
blue print of success. From individual change through
organizational change to societal change the process is the same.
These basic principles organize our efforts to clearly identify the
next step for effective action.
Knowing who we are and where we are at is essential to the
change process. The belief that change is possible is the necessary
first step. Modernity is all too often rooted in estrangement from
connecting with ourselves, our communities, and the natural
world. Becoming aware of our own potential and our combined
potential when we join with others allows us to have hope that
change is possible. Recognizing there is a problem and that
solutions are within our grasp is empowering. The directive to
“know thyself” is as relevant now as it ever was.
Too often we jump from identifying a problem to attempting to fix
it. A comprehensive assessment of our strengths, as well as times
and arenas, when we have had success is essential to effect lasting
change. Elucidating our dreams and our values to discover
sources of inspiration, clearly identifying the problem, and
understanding barriers, are all critical to a holistic view. Only then
can we determine a course of action designed to move us closer
to where we want to go.
Action rooted in a plan with measurable milestones is far more
likely to lead to success. Small steps, adequately supported and
informed by a comprehensive assessment leads inexorably to
where we want to go. Goals based on solutions that are under our
own power are the proper domain to exercise our bravery. Faith
without works is dead.
Measuring, following up and reporting back all help us keep on the
path of change. Stating our commitments and having an
organized process of accountability ensures we stick to the change
path and not revert back to our old ways. Creating tools of
accountability reminds us that the change process is continuous
and ongoing.The 4 “A”s are a loop. As we change and grow our
awareness deepens. New data informs our ongoing assessment.
Goals achieved sets up new goals and more effective tools of
accountability. Whether we are talking about an individual, an
organization, or society at large; the process is the same. Truly the
4 “A”s are a process not a destination.